Before we became General Partners in the fund, we were entrepreneurs. We experienced all the challenges of building tech companies and know that sometimes success in business comes down to luck. Some call it timing, market shifts, or the right network, but we simplify it to luck and the ability to use opportunities. However, we have no doubt that it requires very hard work, which doesn’t guarantee success, but without it, there is no chance for success.
Therefore, inspired by the best examples and our own experiences, we have prepared the Venture Aligned model.
Every entrepreneur we invest in can become a co-owner of the fund. We believe that our ambitions and achievements align with the goals of the founders we support. Of course, this also applies to our advisors, team members, and investors.
How it works
After returning all obligations to our fund’s investors, we, as managers, share our profit among employees, venture partners, and founders of our companies. They have a stake in the success of other entrepreneurs around them, so we are all aligned.
Startup Founders
Every entrepreneur can receive equity points. For the companies we have invested in, we plan to allocate an equal amount of equity points, which are divided among the company founders proportionally to their business share. If a new founder, a so-called late co-founder, joins, the points allocated to the company are recalculated.
Similar to an option pool, your equity points will vest over four years. 25% will vest on the 1st anniversary of the grant, then monthly until fully vested at 100% on the 4th anniversary.
When the fund’s profits are eventually distributed, you will receive a share of the profits according to your share of carry points.
You might be curious about your status if you choose to end your cooperation with the startup, if the fund closes, if we fail, or if we get acquired – will you still hold equity in the fund? The simple answer is yes. Provided you are not deemed a “bad leaver,” we want you to keep your equity points. You remain a valuable part of our community, and valuable lessons can be learned from both failure and success.
Fund Employees and Associates
Running an effective VC fund is a team game. Just like in sports, not only the players are key to success; everyone who contributes deserves to win.
Fund employees and associates can benefit from equity points, similar to an option pool. Points will vest over four years until fully vested at 100%. 25% will vest on the 1st anniversary of the grant, then monthly until fully vested at 100% on the 4th anniversary.
You are probably wondering who decides on the allocation of equity points. The fund managers will evaluate the engagement of employees and associates annually and allocate appropriate points at the end of each year.
Fund Investors
The role of investors in our fund is extremely important. They invest money that supports our startups, but some of them also want to share their knowledge and experience. We appreciate it because, thanks to their willingness to share knowledge, our startups can avoid making mistakes. Therefore, investor engagement is so important for achieving total success.
If investors want to share knowledge on a regular basis, they can also optionally become a Venture Partner. This is more than occasional help; it is regular support for startup founders.
We built the fund based on the principles we follow in business. Those who work hard, play as a team, and strive to share knowledge win. They simply act Aligned.